ABay Journal of space research

What We do

Abay Journal of Space Research (AJSR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes results of original research and invited reviews in all disciplines of space science, technology and their application, including astronomy and astrophysics, Remote Sensing, Geodesy and geodynamics, space application, atmospheric physics, geo-spatial sciences, space engineering, etc. AJSR publishes both observational and theoretical research, computational and numerical simulations, techniques of ground- and space-based instrumentation development, space science data, and space science applications. It was established in 2021 by the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI), to promote space science and technology in Ethiopia and beyond, and to become with time one of the leading and recognized journals in the field.

Scope of the journal

AJSR is an interdisciplinary journal that covers all fields and topics of space science research, technology development, and applications. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1.      Astronomy and astrophysics

2.      Aerospace science, technology, and applications

3.      Geodesy and geodynamics

4.      Remote Sensing

5.      Space sciences and applications


Editorial board

JRS editorial board has an aim to develop the structure of the journal and guarantee its competitiveness and success, to bring on board people that are competitive in their field and can contribute to journal development, and to promote the journal and find the way how to attract authors to publish in the AJSR. AJSR editorial board structure consists of the following.


Dr Melessew Nigussie, Associate professor, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

Email: melessewnigussie@yahoo.com

Associate Editor

  1. Prof. Oleg Malkov Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Email: malkov@inasan.ru
  2. Dr. Amare Abebe, NWU, South Africa. Email: amare.abebe@gmail.com
  3. Professor Mehdi Eshagh, Division of Surveying Engineering Department of Engineering Science,University West, Sweden, Email: mehdi.eshagh@hv.se
  4. Dr. Ing. Walyeldeen Godah, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Centre of Geodesy and Geodynamics, Warsaw, Poland, Email: godah@kth.se 
  5. Prof. Tsegaye Tadesse, National Drought Mitigation Center, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Email: ttadesse2@unl.edu 
  6. Professor Assefa M. Melesse, Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, USA, Email: melessea@fiu.edu


  1. Dr. Tulu Besha, Assistant Professor of Geodesy Adjunct Professor at ESSTI,Director General of Geospatial Information Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Email: tulubesha@yahoo.com
  2. Dr. Mario Floris, Department of Geosciences,University of Padua,Padua, Italy, mario.floris@unipd.it
  3. Dr. Mohamed Sobh, Institute of Geophysics and Geoinformatics,TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany, Email: mohamed.sobh@geophysik.tu-freiberg.de 
  4. Prof. Ing. Robert Tenzer, Department of Land Surveying and Geoinformatics,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Email: Robert.tenzer@polyu.edu.hk
  5. Dr. Berhan Gessesse, ESSTI, Email: berhanavu@gmail.com
  6. Dr. Getachew Tesfaye, ESSTI, Email: sget2006@yahoo.com
  7. Dr. Worku Zewdie, ESSTI, Email: wzewdie24@gmail.com
  8. Yekoye Asmare, ESSTI, Email: yekoye2002@gmail.com
  9. Dr. Ephrem Beshir, ESSTI, Email: biboephy@gmail.com
  10. Dr. Teshome Dugassa, ESSTI, Email: tdugassa2016@gmail.com
  11. Dr. Nigussie Mezegebe, ESSTI, Email: nmezgebe1@gmail.com
  12. Dr. Gebretsadikan Woldmhret, Mekelle University, Email: gwbahtas88@yahoo.com
  13. Dr. Addisu Gezahegn, Department of Computational Science, Addis Ababa University, Email: addisugezahegn@gmail.com
  14. Dr. Tadesse Terefe, Institute of Geophysics Space Sciences and Astronomy (IGSSA), Addis Ababa University, Email: tadessekid@gmail.com 
  15. Dr. Mirjana Povic, ESSTI, Ethiopia, Email: mpovic@iaa.es
  16. Dr. Seblu Humne, ESSTI, Email: seblu1557@gmail.com
  17. Dr. Gemechu Muleta,ESSTI, Email: gemechumk@gmail.com
  18. Dr. Shambel Sahlu from ESSTI, Email: sahlushambel@gmail.com
  19. Dr. Tadesse Terefe: Addis Ababa University, Institute of Geophysics Space Sciences and Astronomy (IGSSA), Email: tadessekid@gmail.com.