Invitation to a Webinar Conference on Space Sciences and Applications Research and Development at ESSTI

The Space Science and applications Research and development (SSARD) department at ESSTI is calling for webinar presentations aiming at bringing together all researchers, engineers and lead scientists that are currently undertaking research and/or teaching as well as developing space applications and products in the country’s leading and emerging universities and research centers to discuss, and update each other, on the current status of space sciences research and applications developments; to assess our resources, capabilities and opportunities so that we plan concerted future collaborations on common goals.

The Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI), is a research and technology institute established in November 2016 by the Council of Ministers, to conduct research and technology development as well as train in M.Sc. and PhD degrees through its postgraduate programs in selected fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Space and Atmospheric Sciences,
Remote Sensing and Geodesy.

The rationale of the webinar conference:

Since the establishment of ESSTI promising developments have been observed in the research endeavors while efforts in technology developments are lagging. The launching of the first Ethiopian Remote Sensing Satellite (ETRSS-1) has been one of the significant steps forward for ESSTI and Ethiopia that stimulated efforts to strive for more ambitious and mega projects in this regard.
To assess the current status and impact of the research and applications development in the space science themes, the SSARD department at ESSTI is taking the initiative to conduct a webinar conference late December 2020 or early January 2021.

Proposed dateDecember 28, 2020, or early January 2021 (TBA in consultation with invited guests)

Conference theme: “Status and developments of Research and Applications on Space Sciences in Ethiopia”

Thematic areas for presentation:

1. Ionospheric studies

2. Space Weather

3. Ionospheric modelling

4. Space products and services

5. Developing Space Instrumentation (ground- and space-based)

6. Updates in new findings in the Space Sciences research and technology

Expected audience and participants: Researchers including early career researchers, Scientists, Engineers interested in the fields of Space and Applications, Space enthusiasts and everybody else interested.

Expected Invitees: Expectations are, we will reach out to few established researchers in the fields of Space sciences working at different institutes, research centers and universities around the globe. They share their experiences, update on the research developments, highlight on recent research frontiers as well as point out on the current challenges in the fields of space sciences and applications in general, and understudied and underrepresented low-latitudes region of the African sector in particular.

Outcomes expected: ESSTI is in the process of establishing a research journal which will commence soon. Therefore, we may compile the presented topics and publish them as conference proceedings at the mentioned journal or other reputable journals. At least, a review report on the current status of the research developments in the country can be produced and published.

You may send your abstracts or executive summaries of your talks to the address below.

Contact Information:

Nigussie Mezgebe, PhD
Space Science and Applications Research & Development, HoD
Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute or